
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - May 2013

(Nayab Khan)

Children learn to share things with others and when they exchange gifts their love and friendship grows. Additionally, they learn to give respect to others’ needs and desires.

Time leaves dust behind its fast speed. When this dust vanishes, we realize that time has travelled so far and it left unrecoverable marks on social life. These marks are in our ever-changing customs, culture and likeness and disliking in the shape of change. We accept this change as the need of time and accept in our lives. Earlier we used to prefer home-cooked foods but now pizza and burgers are taking its place. We are becoming familiar with foreign food taste and same is the case with the selection of dresses. In old times, western dresses were limited to a specific set of people but now-a-days every other person like it. Ready-made things have replaced home-made things.  This process of change is the symbol of a growing society otherwise stillness is the second name of death. Our family system is also facing some of these changes. Generally there are two types of family systems:

  1. Joint family system
  2. Single family system.

In this era single family system is preferred and it is thought to be a successful family system. On the other hand most of the people do not deny the benefits of the joint family system. Roots of joint family system are old and strong;it’s not easy to harm this system and its roots. This system has many benefits some of which are as under:

Benefits of joint family system:In joint family system we live under the love of old people, who save us from the difficulties of life and on every step they sacrifice their own desires and preferences to fulfill our desires. That is why presence of old people is thought the symbol of rehmat.

There is no other institute than joint family system for the upbringing of children. They stay always in the eyes of old people and if the parents are not at home even then they have full consideration. Stories told by grandparents play vital role in the building the morality of children. It is only old people who tell a child the difference between right and wrong and they also provide the information of religion. Full consideration gives them confidence and this is first step of success.

That is why grandmother and grandfather play the vital role in the upbringing of child. In the presence of other children, this child does not feel alone but he learns to live with others.Children learn to share things with others and when they exchange gifts their love and friendship grows. Additionally they learn to give respect to others’ needs and desires.   These all things are very important for the future life of a child. When a child goes to school and after that when he steps in practical life he learns the attitudes of people, cooperation with others. In different circumstances and difficulties, he learns to bear and patience. So, he does not feel any oddity in adjusting in any new atmosphere, and likewise he goes through the different steps of success.

Causes of unsuccessful marriage: These days ratio of unsuccessful marriage is increasing, one of the most important reason is the misunderstanding in marital life. These misunderstandings affect the marital life. So, old people are needed in this situation that they can make them realize their mistakes and make them live together. Sometimes because of the load of a lot of responsibilities make us less patient; then even a small thing of opposite side becomes unbearable. Then both partners want someone to resolve their problems in seconds and this is done by their elders. This is possible only when we live with them and follow their advice.

In joint family system, all members can sit together and this increases the relation of love. They share their pains and also enjoy happiness together. Especially at different occasions, hustle bustle becomes double. Everybody becomes busy in preparation and it gives pleasure and by celebrating together children learn their culture.

But with the increase of family members outnumbering space, joint family system becomes complicated. Because increase in number also increases the responsibilities and needs so, everybody thinks of their own. They think that their rights are not fulfilled. So, old people should separate their responsibilities and money matters and if it is possible then give them their separate house. To give respect is a must for everybody. Give value to everybody in family. Give respect to everyone’s needs and desires. Single person should not take every decision but ask the point of view of everyone. Don’t make anybody feel invaluable. Divide the responsibilities on the basis of equality to avoid the quarrel of role otherwise this inequality will destroy the joint family system.

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